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International Max Planck Research School Of Marine Microbiology

Typ des Eintrags: Akademische Lehrveranstaltung
Rhythmus: jährlich
Webseite: http://marmic.mpg.de/marmic_cms/phdprogram.php?section=phd
Ort: Bremen, GERMANY
Beschreibung: Ph.D. Program In years 2-4, students work on their Ph. D. thesis in a research group of the MPI-MM, the University of Bremen, the AWI, or the JUB. Students have the option of working in a foreign laboratory for up to 6 months. Students from abroad are encouraged to cooperate with an institute from their home country.
In addition to an immediate research advisor that works closely with the student on their Ph. D. project, a thesis committee is appointed consisting of 2-3 MarMic faculty members, and if suitable, an external international scientist. Laboratory work is accompanied by seminars, scientific graduate courses, soft skills training, workshops, and participation in international conferences.


Students that enter the IMPRS at this stage are either:

1) internal students that have successfully completed year 1 of the IMPRS and been accepted by the IMPRS Board to the Ph. D. program, or

2) internal or external students that have received a Master's or Diplom / Staatsexamen degree and been accepted by the IMPRS Board to the Ph. D. program.

External students entering the Ph. D. program in year 2 will be encouraged to first work in voluntary rotations for 2 - 3 months in at least two departments to help them and the faculty chooses a suitable thesis project.
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