Vorlauf, A., Maack, S., Schernewski, G.. Aus der IKZM-Forschung lernen: Küstenbildung zur Odermündungsregion. In: Schernewski, G., Glaeser, B., Scheibe, R., Sekścińska, A., Thamm, R. (eds.). Coastal Development: The Oder estuary and beyond. Coastline Reports (8), pp. 179-190. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2007.
Learning from ICZM-related science: coastal education about the Odra estuary This article deals with the question of how to effectively transfer up-to-date scientific research results into education related to sustainable coastal management? We present an innovative approach to education relevant to integrated coastal zone management (ICZM) using e-learning techniques. Chapter one gives explains why the transfer of knowledge from science into education is an important component in ICZM. ICZM initiatives require stakeholders to get aquainted with a number of topics which are not part of regular training and education. A self study effort is necessary to enable those involved in the sustainable development of coastal areas to participate in ICZM. However, most training material available online is either very general with little regional specifity or - as with case studies - too specific and lacking background information. Therefore, within the project “Research for an Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Oder estuary region” (ICZM-Oder) an attempt was made to produce online study material which effectively combines background information with a case study by presenting research results obtained within the project. In chapter two, the concept for the online study modules is presented. The target group consists of future coastal managers, e.i. current students, on the one hand, and coastal practitioners from the region of concern on the other hand. In each of the study modules compiled, a focus is set on the Odra estuary region as a case study example with introductory chapters added to each study module. Each learner can decide individually which parts of the study module are of concern for him/ her. In order to supply adequate information for learners with varying background knowledge, clickable text boxes supply additional information. Project results are included in various forms. Key findings are summarised and provide the basis for the Odra estuary chapter. Visualisations produced within the project (modelling films, diagrams, tables and photographs) support the main text and thematic project reports are made available for download. The key issues relevant to ICZM in the region of the Odra estuary and thus in the study modules are described in chapter three. Among these issues were coastal tourism, eutrophication and Agenda 21. Additionally, study modules were compiled for related policy, namely the European Water Framework Directive and Natura 2000. Furthermore, the project produced study modules about computer-based tools and project management in order to give information generally relevant to ICZM. Each module including the major project results is presented, and options for further topics are discussed. First results of the actual use of the online study modules offered are discussed in chapter four. In order to reach regional practitioners, the study modules are presented within the Coastal Information System Odra estuary, but they are also included in the publicly available online study platform IKZM-D Lernen which has been used within university teaching since 2002. Log-file statistics were started in autumn of 2006 in order to examine the actual use. Even though they have not been thoroughly analysed, first conclusions can be drawn already. Learners use the platform mainly to view individual pages or chapters of the study modules. It will therefore be necessary to develop ways of addressing the target groups more directly, e.g. by including the modules in established educational programmes, by providing separate focal topics for students and for regional practitioners or by introducing more improving sequencing. Since the Odra estuary region is a cross-border area, a further option is to produce translations into polish in order to include Polish practitioners into the target group as well. |
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