Ścibior, K.. Ocena wybranych aspektów polskiego planowania przestrzennego w kontekście ZZOP (Is the Polish local spatial planning system ICZM compatible?). In: Schernewski, G., Glaeser, B., Scheibe, R., Sekścińska, A., Thamm, R. (eds.). Coastal Development: The Oder estuary and beyond. Coastline Reports (8), pp. 213-224. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2007.
Is the Polish local spatial planning system ICZM compatible? The coastal EU member states acknowledge the importance of Integrated Coastal Zone Management. Also in Poland the national ICZM strategy is currently under preparation. At the same time, the Polish spatial planning system is a subject to severe criticism of expert and practitioners’ circles. The Spatial Planning Act of 2003 is in urgent need of up-dating. Since spatial planning serves as an essential framework for ICZM, in this article an attempt was undertaken to assess the chosen aspects of the current Polish spatial planning system as to their ICZM-compatibility. The Study of Local Preconditions and Directions of Spatial Development (Studium uwarunkowań i kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego gminy) is a semi-legal communal policy paper designed to determine the future spatial development of the municipality, comparable to the German local spatial development plan (Flächennuntzungsplan). Six representative Studies from coastal municipalities of the Pomorskie Voievodship were chosen for the means of the consecutive analysis. The analysis was based on a set of twelve ICZM criteria, divided into three categories: substantial criteria such as thematic integration, goal-setting or approach to conflicts; formal criteria such as overall legibility or accessibility of documents, and finally the last group of criteria dealing with procedures such as authority co-operation and public participation. The most important result of the documents’ analysis was that, while an overall conformity of the Polish legal spatial planning solutions with the ICZM requirements could be concluded, the reality of their implementation is far from ideal. The paper hence proposes several recommendations: both legal and of more informal character. The legal recommendations are targeted at the currently prepared new spatial planning act and related regulations. Most of the informal measures proposed can be covered in a postulated ‘Study hand-book for practitioners’. The fundamental recommendation is however the enhancing the currently extremely low legal status of the Study and providing for an adequate co-financing instruments. This work has been carried out within the INTERREG IIIB PlanCoast Project and funded by the Pomorskie Regional Spatial Planning Office (WBPP) in Słupsk. Full version of the dokument in Polish or English language is available on request. |
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