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Körfer, A., Morel, V.. ICZM Networks in the Baltic Sea Region. In: Schernewski, G., Glaeser, B., Scheibe, R., Sekścińska, A., Thamm, R. (eds.). Coastal Development: The Oder estuary and beyond. Coastline Reports (8), pp. 225-235. EUCC - The Coastal Union, Leiden, 2007.


Social networks are of special importance to ICZM in that they promote better stakeholder integration and the development of shared visions for the territories concerned. In a relatively short time, ICZM networks developed in parallel with the process of ICZM. This article focuses on a regional seas scale, considering ICZM networks in the Baltic Sea Region. A better knowledge of the networks themselves, of their development on a regional sea scale, but also of their role in the ICZM process are required. In order to face the number and the complexity of the networks, we first suggest methods for network identification and characterisation. These methods serve to give an overview of the existing networks and allow us to trace their evolution over time. The chronological approach shows the development of the networks and indicates that they are strongly linked to the historical and geopolitical context of the region. In fact, ICZM networks reflect particularities of the Baltic Sea region and in particularly the recent and quick change in the area. A key question is how efficient these networks are and what benefits network analysis can offer to the process of ICZM. In fact, network analysis uses data, which can serve as indicators for an evaluation of different aspects or steps of the process and in particularly implementation of ICZM on one territory concerned. Generally speaking, ICZM networks analysis enables a better knowledge of the process of ICZM, the stakeholder initiatives and strategies.

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