Polar regions are sentinels of climate change, biodiversity, and human resilience. They have experienced the most rapid rates of warming in recent years. Its expected impacts will exceed those forecasted for many other regions, resulting in significant consequences affecting natural ecosystems and human activities. Improving our observational capacity and enhancing the basic understanding of the drivers and processes governing those changes, and translating knowledge into solutions for society, are major challenges for the future. Earth observation from space and Earth system science will represent an essential element in this process. Addressing the major challenge in polar research will require a significant and sustained collaborative effort and an integrated approach to science where the synergistic use of satellite data, in-situ and citizen observations, advanced modelling capabilities, interdisciplinary research and innovative technologies will be essential elements. This is why the European Commission (Directorate General for Research and Innovation) and the European Space Agency are working together to improve cooperation and to identify and address the grand science challenges in polar research that may drive joint EC-ESA scientific activities in the coming years. |