FSII: Forum Skagerrak II
Projekt |
www.forumskagerrak.com |
01/06/2003 - 31/05/2007 |
The regions in Sweden, Norway and Denmark bordering Skagerrak collaborate in the EU project Forum Skagerrak II. The aim is to widen the knowledge of and deliver concrete actions for a cleaner and more attractive sea and coasts. The project work involves governmental and regional organisations as well as other interested parties. The project includes work in seven areas: - Eutrophication
- Hazardous substances, marine litter and oil spills
- Fish and shellfish issues
- Integrated coastal zone management and planning
- Coordinated environmental monitoring
- Mapping for increased knowledge on sensitive deep sea beds
- Dissemination of information
Organisations safeguarding a sustainable Skagerrak are invited to follow the work of Forum Skagerrak II. The participation of all with an interest in these issues is important! When the project terminates in 2007, a permanent Forum Skagerrak will be instituted to secure sustainability of the environmental improvement and development of Skagerrak. |
Conflict resolution, Economics, Fishery and Aquaculture, Governance, Public information |
Peter Adolfsson Fyrbodals kommunalförbund / Sweden Box 305 S-451 18 Uddevalla SWEDEN Telefon: +46 (0) 522 440820 E-Mail: info@skagerrak.com Webseite: www.forumskagerrak.com |
Länsstyrelsen Västra Götalands län, Sweden Västra Götalandsregionen, Sweden Fiskeriverket, Sweden Tjärnö Marinbiologiska Laboratorium, Sweden SMHI, Sweden Nordjyllands Amt, Denmark Östfold fylkeskommune, Norway Fylkesmannen i Östfold, Norway Fylkesmannen i Vestfold, Norway Telemark fylkeskommune, Norway Fylkesmannen i Telemark, Norway Aust-Agder fylkeskommune, Norway Fylkesmannen i Aust-Agder, Norway Vest-Agder fylkeskommune, Norway Fylkesmannen i Vest-Agder, Norway Fiskeridirektoratet, Region Skagerrakkysten, Norway |
2.644.725 |
Interreg IIIB, 50 % (http://www.interregnorthsea.org/) Project partners, 50 % |
(Seite in 0,01 Sekunden erzeugt.) |