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I-ADApT: Assessment based on Description and responses, and Appraisal for a Typology

Typ des Eintrags: Projekt & Fallstudie
Webseite: http://www.imber.info/en/projects/imber/science/working-groups-1/human-dimens...

The IMBeR Human Dimensions Working Group is developing a decision support tool I-ADApT (Assessment based on Description and responses, and Appraisal for a Typology) to respond to the challenges of global change. It is based on case studies, where action was taken in response to an environmental or other impact resulting from global change. By including ‘the good, the bad and the ugly’ – case studies with disastrous consequences, all the way through to really successful ones that achieved the planned objectives - we hope to build a really useful tool that will help managers to

  1. triage and improve their responses;
  2. make decisions efficiently to transition towards marine sustainability;
  3. evaluate where to most effectively allocate resources to reduce vulnerability and enhance resilience of coastal peoples to global change.

I-ADApT can be applied to any environment. Our current focus is on marine ecosystems and issues relating specifically to fisheries and aquaculture in the face of global change.

Our longer term intention is to develop a database of global case studies as an open-access web site. to help decision makers, researchers and stakeholders decide how to respond when faced with difficult choices and trade-offs. If you would like to join us and are willing to share the experiences, outcomes and after-effects of your case study/work, please contact us at IMBER@imr.no or you can download the case study template. Please select one main issue that was addressed in the case study and answer all the questions about that issue.

Because of the complex interactions and feedbacks between humans and the ocean, the case study template includes questions about the natural, social and governing systems, the stressors that affect them, their response and an appraisal of that response. We realise that this is a rather complex document and that because of the interdisciplinary nature of the questions, you may need to consult with some of your colleagues to respond more fully to some of the questions.

Stichworte: Best practice, Data collection, Global warming, Information
Kontakt: E-Mail: IMBER@imr.no
Finanziert von: Institute of Marine Research (https://imr.no/)
Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (http://www.scor-int.org/)
futureearth (http://www.futureearth.org/)
East China Normal University (http://english.ecnu.edu.cn/)
Forskningsrådet (http://www.forskningsradet.no/no/Forsiden/1173185591033)
East China Normal University - SKLEC (http://english.sklec.ecnu.edu.cn/)
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