The educational programme Environment and Development (Miljö och Utvecklingsprogrammet) at Södertörns högskola is linked to and co-ordinated with COMREC. The programme includes courses at graduate and post-graduate levels. The programme has two main directions; One towards humanities and one environmental with focus on geo science and sociology. Direction will be chosen during the second semester. The programme begins with three common, multi-disciplinary semesters which are interlinked with the students main directions. The large environmental and developing issues are dealt with, both from a global and a regional perspective, where environmental issues within the Baltic Sea region are discussed. Biology and environmental management are other topics that the students will be studying. The problems are illustrated from a natural scientific as well as economic, social and political perspective. Courses relevant to coastal management will be given by COMREC including shorter specialised interdisciplinary marine courses, as well as master courses and PhD programmes held and developed by the Departments of Systems Ecology at Stockholm University. The Baltic Sea Region is given special attention within the programme but also cases from other parts of the world will be studied.