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Capobianco, M.. Role and Use of Technologies in Realtion to ICZM. Venezia, 1999 - Final Report; EU Demonstration Programme on Integrated Management in Coastal Zones 1997-1999.

This document is the Final Report to the Contract B4-3040/96/000599/MAR/D2, Role and Use of Techniques in Relation to Integrated Coastal Zone Management.
It is based on the examination of the State-of-the-Art of technologies for coastal application, on a number of visits to Demonstration Projects, and on the examination of the outcomes of a Questionnaire submitted to the Project Leaders of the Demonstration Projects.
A further Questionnaire has been submitted to the National Experts with the aim to investigate the possibility to adopt policies to promote the “informed” application of technologies in the context of Integrated Coastal Zone Management activities.
A technology-specific Questionnaire has been used during the visits for a few representative cases, particularly to focus on the ICZM-enabling technologies currently being applied in the context of the Demonstration Programme.
For those interested into the detailed examination of the (potential) role of technologies in ICZM, reading of Chapter 2, Chapter 3, and Chapter 4 is recommended. For those interested in the examination of the experience of the Demonstration Projects, reading of Chapter 5 is recommended.
Possible Policy Options for the Promotion of the Informed Application of Technologies are listed in Chapter 6. Conclusions and recommendations about the Role of EU are given respectively in Chapter 7 and Chapter 8.
For a definition of the overall framework, reference should be made to “Towards a European Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Strategy—A Reflection Paper” (Commission of the European Communities, 1999).
PDF: Role_and_use_of_technologies_in_Realtion_to_ICZM.pdf (720.745 Bytes)
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