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Coastal Documents

The database contains papers, reports, documents, strategies, directives, brochures etc. which are of importance for coastal (and marine) practice. All documents are available as pdf-files and are stored on our server, to ensure a permanent and user-friendly availability.

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861 Heiland 2003 Heiland, S., Tischer, M., Döring, T., Pahl, T., Jessel, B.: Indikatoren zur Zielkonkretisierung und Erfolgskontrolle im Rahmen der Lokalen Agenda 21, UBA-Texte (67). Umweltbundesamt (ed.), Berlin, 2003. Pdf available, click to open... Book
862 The 2002 The Pastille Consortium: Indikatoren in Aktion. Ein Praxisleitfaden zur besseren Anwendung von Nachhaltigkeits-Indikatoren auf lokaler Ebene. London, 2002. Pdf available, click to open... Book
863 Forschungsstätte 2000 Forschungsstätte der Evangelischen Studiengemeinschaft e.V. (FEST): Leitfaden – Indikatoren im Rahmen einer lokalen Agenda 21. UVM Baden-Württemberg, STMLU Bayern, HMULF Hessen und TMLNU Thüringen, Darmstadt, 2000. Pdf available, click to open... Book
864 Fachhochschule 2001 Fachhochschule Erfurt (ed.). Prozessindikatoren für die Lokale Agenda 21. Erfurt, 2001 - Arbeitshilfe für die Strukturierung und Planung der Lokalen Agenda 21. Pdf available, click to open... Report
865 Agenda-Transfer 2003 Agenda-Transfer / Bundesweite Servicestelle Lokale Agenda 21. Gemeinsam empfohlene Indikatoren zur kommunalen Nachhaltigkeit. Bonn, 2003. Pdf available, click to open... Report
866 IOC 2005 IOC: A Handbook for measuring the progress and outcomes of Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management - Preliminary Version, ICAM Dossier 2 - IOC Manuals and Guides (46). UNESCO, Paris, 2005. Pdf available, click to open... Book
867 IOC 2003 IOC: A Reference Guide on the Use of Indicators for Integrated Coastal Management, ICAM Dossier 1 - IOC Manuals and Guides (45). UNESCO, Paris, 2003. Pdf available, click to open... Book
868 EU 2004 EU Working Group on Indicators and Data. Minutes, Expert group, ICZM Recommendation. 2004 - Rotterdam, 24 November 2004. Pdf available, click to open... Report
869 EU 2004 EU Working Group on Indicators and Data. Report of the Working Group on Indicators and Data to the EU ICZM Expert Group. European Topic Centre on Terrestrial Environment, 2004 - Rotterdam, 24 November 2004. Pdf available, click to open... Report
870 EU 2003 EU Working Group on Indicators and Data. Measuring Sustainable Development on the Coast. European Topic Centre on Terrestrial Environment, 2003 - A Report to the EU ICZM Expert Group by the Working Group on Indicators and Data led by the ETC-TE. Pdf available, click to open... Report
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