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Cummins, V., Griffin, P., Gault, J., O’Mahony, C., O’Suilleabhain, D.. Cork Harbour Integrated Management Strategy.. Coastal and Marine Resources Centre, University College Cork., Coastal and Marine Resources Centre, Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork, Haulbowline Naval Base, Cobh, Co. Cork, Ireland., 2008 - Project report, INTERREG IIIB Coastal Research and Policy Integration (COREPOINT) Project..


The current fragmented approach to planning and management means that the full potential of Cork Harbour as a distinct and unique geographical unit is not being realised. An Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) approach can facilitate a move towards sustainable development, involving economic, social and environmental interests across all levels of decisionmaking. The added value of implementing an ICZM approach in Cork Harbour includes:

  • Better communication between different stakeholder groups;
  • A framework for taking a holistic view of the Harbour, from the Docklands in the city centre to the Harbour entrance at Roches Point.

This Strategy document outlines how such an approach might be pursued.

The process that underpinned the development of this Strategy involved:

  • Facilitation by the Interreg IIIB COREPOINT project partners;
  • Widespread consultation with stakeholders in the Cork Harbour Forum;
  • The organisation of two stakeholder workshops;
  • Consultation with the Strategic Advisory Group, involving organisations with statutory responsibilities within the Harbour.

The aim of the Strategy is to bring all those involved in the development, management and use of Cork Harbour together in a framework which encourages the integration of their interests and responsibilities to achieve common objectives in a sustainable manner.

This aim will be achieved by the realisation of the following objectives:

  1. To develop a policy framework to facilitate integration for planning and management of Cork Harbour;
  2. To protect and promote the unique natural environment of the Harbour;
  3. To protect the social and cultural assets of the Harbour to maintain / protect the unique identity of the area;
  4. To promote the economic development of the Harbour in line with the principles of sustainable development;
  5. To promote and develop the Harbour as a facility for water based sport and leisure activity.

This Strategy is based on a voluntary partnership between key statutory agencies and local stakeholders that will focus attention on the Harbour as a whole, and deliver a set of agreed actions to enhance the future management of the coastal zone. Although the Strategy is a non-statutory one, it aims to bring about a new approach to coastal management in Cork Harbour by focusing the attention on the regulatory duties and powers of the statutory agencies to deliver their goals.

The Strategy will be implemented through two key mechanisms:

  • Partnership (i.e. identification of objectives that can be facilitated by collaborative action in the short, medium and long-term).
  • The integration of objectives into statutory planning documents and into the strategic policies of relevant organisations.

The development of an Action Plan for 2008 to 2011, based on priorities identified from this Strategy document, will form the next step in the implementation process. Implementation of the Action Plan will be enabled by the Interreg IVB project, Innovative Management for Europe’s Changing Coastal Resource (IMCORE), which will run over the corresponding period.

PDF: cork_harbour_strategy.pdf (1.129.592 Bytes)
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