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Barkmann, T.. Auf der Suche nach Kommunikation und Kooperation - Eine Analyse ausgewählter Themen mit IKZM-Bezug in der Odermündungsregion. In: Kannen, A., Schernewski, G., Krämer, I., Lange, M., Janßen, H., Stybel, N. (eds.). Forschung für ein Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement: Fallbeispiele Odermündungsregion und Offshore-Windkraft in der Nordsee. Coastline Reports (15), pp. 125-138. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010.

Zusammenfassung: In this article the communication and cooperation as crucial points of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) are described and assessed within four selected subjects with relevance to ICZM in the Oder estuary region. The subjects are based on an existing problem portfolio developed by Hoffmann (2007, 2008) and the cognition that a regional ICZM has to be based on regional challenges and goals. The chosen subjects are the water supply of the Isle of Usedom, the process of planning a marina along the coast of the Isle of Usedom, the regional translation of the European Water Framework Directive and the drawing of management plans for Special Areas of Conservation in the region. The spatial focus, depending on the subjects, varies from the Isle of Usedom to the whole region of interest that consists of the Szczecin Lagoon, the Pommeranian Bay and the two administrative districts of Ostvorpommern and Uecker-Randow. The first part of this article describes the subjects and stakeholders and discusses the problems and the communication. In the second part, conflicts, approaches and hindrances are discussed. The methods being used are the analysis of the relevant documents and the local press and field survey. For the field survey focused interviews and narrative interviews had been used, depending on the individual abilities of the interviewed stakeholders. After analysing the chosen subjects it became clear, that there are two different classes of subjects – regional and directive-based subjects. The clearest distinctions between the two classes of subjects are the following. The rules for the directive-based subjects are clearly defined; those for the regional subjects are not. The stakeholders for the directive-based subjects are named; those for the regional subjects are not. For the directive-based subjects a broad consent is defined for the contemplated measures like the local renaturation of waterbodies; for the regional subjects the stakeholders have to decide how to accomplish the goals on their own after defining them. Here the problem is that every stakeholder likes to achieve his individual aims and this thwarts the problemsolving processes. Thus, the communication and cooperation within the directive-based subjects is good and an intervention is not necessary. For the regional subjects an intervention may be expedient to improve communication. In conclusion communication and cooperation within the analysed subjects could be found. In parts they depend on rules and directives – otherwise on individual interests. A comprehensive view is still missing. To improve the communication- and cooperation-process, a focal point should be found. Tourism could provide the basis for an overarching communication process, because many regional stakeholders are more or less directly linked to tourism and tourism in general causes a lot of (regional) spatial conflicts. This may bring the local and regional stakeholders to deal with the (especially local) subjects in common to generate the best possible alternative for the common good and forms the basis to establish an ICZM in the region. Concluding it has to be emphasised that ICZM can initiate and give advice to local communication processes as an informal regional supporting framework, but it neither releases local stakeholder from their responsibilities nor establishes a new hierarchical level.
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