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Baltic Sea Science Congress 2025

Datum: 26. - 30. Mai 2025
Webseite: https://www.bssc2025.pl
Ort: Sopot, POLAND

This interdisciplinary event brings together researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders to explore the multifaceted dynamics of the Baltic Sea and its catchment, examining the rich history, current functioning, and future prospects of this region. Over the course of the conference, participants will delve into critical topics distributed among seven thematic sessions covering a wide range of disciplines and addressing fundamental scientific problems and environmental challenges. By fostering interdisciplinary dialogue and international collaboration, the BSSC aims to generate innovative solutions to preserve and protect the unique marine environment of the Baltic Sea for generations to come. 

Thematic Sessions:

1. Physical and Biogeochemical Changes in the Baltic Sea

2. Ecosystem Health and Biodiversity

3. Geological Processes and Coastal Erosion

4. Land-Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions and Catchment Processes

5. Marine Pollution: Sources, Trends, Effects and Solutions

6. Exploitation of ecosystem services and its impact on the Baltic Sea ecosystem

7. Emerging Technologies for Research and Monitoring 


Abstract Submission: 21. Februar 2025
Registrierung: 14. April 2025
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