On the Law of the Sea and the Environment 6 ECTS Pétur Dam Leifsson, Hrafnhildur Bragadóttir and Helgi Áss Grétarsson The course provides introduction to the applicable legal framework in three separate but related areas: a) basic aspects of the law of the sea; b) International environmental law related to the sea and coastal zones; and c) fisheries law. Accordingly, this course is divided into three main parts: part I emphasizes introducing the framework of the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention (LOSC), especially considering delimitation of ocean areas, and on explaining the most important rights and duties of coastal states and other states in those areas. In part II the focus is on international environmental law related to the sea, especially Part XII of LOSC and other relevant treaties, as well as laws and jurisdiction issues affecting coastal zones. In part III the aim is to explain how a coastal state may regulate fisheries inside its jurisdiction, with a special emphasis on the Icelandic quota system as an example. Application deadline for the whole Master's Program: April 15th for EU/EEA citizens and February 15th for citizens outside of the EU/EEA Application deadline for only this course: please contact Martha Lilja Marthensdóttir Olsen (marthalilja@uwestfjords.is) |