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Kohlus, J., Heidmann, C.. NOKIS - Nord- und Ostsee Informationssystem. In: Schernewski, G., Dolch, T. (eds.). Geographie der Meere und Küsten. Coastline Reports (1), pp. 239-248. 2004.


NOKIS – North and Baltic Sea Information System – is a project, a concept and a solution. It is a project of a team of scientists and engineers from seven coastal authorities which aimed to give access to theirs metadata. The project starts in 2000 and gets funding as a GCERC (KFKI) project by the Ministry of Education and Research. NOKIS is a central repository for coastal metadata from Federal and State organizations. The concept based on the understanding that metadata and documentation have a lot of intersections: local databases are implemented with individual modifications to support local documentation and data handling. A common core is copied to NOKIS –central server. The technical solution is realised with OpenSource software products. In cooperation with the Research Center for information Technology (FZI) the project group developed a user-friendly editor to create and handle meta-data conform to ISO 19115. The common web portal nokis.baw.de is the users interface to get access to the abstracts of all papers published in the German journal “Die Küste” and metadata concerning research projects funded by GCERC or describing about 20.000 records of geodata.

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