Deutsch English

Burkhard, B., Opitz, S., Lenhart, H., Ahrendt, K., Garthe, S., Mandel, B., Nerge, P., Windhorst, W.. Modelbasierte Bewertung der Auswirkungen von Offshore-Windkraftanlagen auf die ökologische Integrität der Nordsee. In: Kannen, A., Schernewski, G., Krämer, I., Lange, M., Janßen, H., Stybel, N. (eds.). Forschung für ein Integriertes Küstenzonenmanagement: Fallbeispiele Odermündungsregion und Offshore-Windkraft in der Nordsee. Coastline Reports (15), pp. 15-29. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2010.

Zusammenfassung: Marine and coastal uses have been growing almost everywhere in the world. Manifold human activities like fishery, shipping, military, raw material exploitation, nature protection or, since recent times, offshore wind power are competing for limited resources and space. The development and implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) strategies could help to solve upcoming problems. For a proper ICZM, suitable assessment tools like modeling, monitoring and indicators are urgently needed. These models and indicators have to deal with spatial data that include complex information on different spatial and temporal scales. Based on the systematic development of future scenarios of offshore wind power development in the German North Sea, an ecosystem based assessment was carried out by combining different simulation models, GIS methods and an integrating set of ecological integrity indicators. The aim of this study was to model environmental effects of altered sea-use patterns on marine biota. To assess altering conditions and possible ecosystem shifts, indicators of ecological integrity were used. Hypothesized ecosystem dynamics might range from possible system degradations to the development of highly productive and diverse artificial reef systems. The results presented here show that some ecosystem processes and properties and related indicators are sensitive to changes generated by offshore wind park installations. However, a general pattern of ecosystem dynamics could not be fully indicated yet.
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