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Coastal Documents

The database contains papers, reports, documents, strategies, directives, brochures etc. which are of importance for coastal (and marine) practice. All documents are available as pdf-files and are stored on our server, to ensure a permanent and user-friendly availability.

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Nr. Author  Year  Document  PDF available  Type 
371 Barale 2000 Barale, V., Zin, I.: Impact of continental margins in the Mediterranean Sea: Hints from the surface colour and temperature historical record. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 6: 5-14, 2000. Pdf available, click to open... Article
372 Barale 1998 Barale, V., Larkin, D.: Optical remote sensing of coastal plumes and run-off in the Mediterranean region. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 4: 51-58, 1998. Pdf available, click to open... Article
373 Hastings 2001 Hastings, R.M., Fischer, D.W.: Management priorities for Magdalena Bay, Baja California, Mexico. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 7: 193-202, 2001. Pdf available, click to open... Article
374 Federici 2001 Federici, P.R., Rodolfi, G.: Rapid shoreline retreat along the Esmeraldas coast, Ecuador: natural and man-induced processes. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 7: 163-170, 2001. Pdf available, click to open... Article
375 Vestergaard 1996 Vestergaard, P., Alstrup, V.: Loss of organic matter and nutrients from a coastal dune heath in northwest Denmark caused by fire. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 2: 33-40, 1996. Pdf available, click to open... Article
376 Vestergaard 2001 Vestergaard, P., Alstrup, V.: Recovery of Danish coastal dune vegetation after a wildfire. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 7: 117-128, 2001. Pdf available, click to open... Article
377 Freestone 2001 Freestone, A.L., Nordstrom, K.F.: Early development of vegetation in restored dune plant microhabitats on a nourished beach at Ocean City, New Jersey. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 7: 105-116, 2001. Pdf available, click to open... Article
378 Campredon 2001 Campredon, P., Cuq, F.: Artisanal fishing and coastal conservation in West Africa. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 7: 91-100, 2001. Pdf available, click to open... Article
379 Gourmelon 2001 Gourmelon, F., Bioret, F., Le Berre, I.: Land-use changes and implications for management of a small protected island off the coast of Bretagne. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 7: 41-48, 2001. Pdf available, click to open... Article
380 Cooper 2001 Cooper, N. J., Cooper, T., Burd, F.: 25 years of salt marsh erosion in Essex: Implications for coastal defence and nature conservation. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 7: 31-40, 2001. Pdf available, click to open... Article
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