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Mai, S., Zimmermann, C.. Veränderung der Seegangsbedingungen an den Küsten von Jade und Weser als Folge der Klimaänderung. In: Schernewski, G., Dolch, T. (eds.). Geographie der Meere und Küsten. Coastline Reports (1), pp. 93-100. 2004.


While lots of research on the consequences of climate change was carried out with respect to the change of water levels and wind in the German coastal zone only few studies analysed the impact on waves and wave statistics so far. This may relate to the fact that no long-term records of wave parameters are available. However the knowledge of changes in wave load is essential when assessing the safety of coastal defence systems. Within this study the consequences of a scenario of climate change on the wave climate in the estuaries of Jade and Weser during storm surges are analysed using numerical modelling. As climate scenario an increase of water levels by 0.55 m, of the tidal range by 0,20 m and of wind speed by 7 % within the next 50 years is assumed. The numerical simulations carried out with the model SWAN for a storm surge in February 1999 and its scenario of climate change reveal that the significant wave height increases by up to 30 cm due to the rise in water level and 40 cm due to the rise in wind speed. The mean wave period increases by up to 0,5 s and 1 s respectively. Besides of this single storm surge event the statistics of wave conditions during storm surges are analysed. The significant wave height with a return period of 100 years increases with 0,1 m in the fair ways and with 0,25 m of the tidal flats. The mean wave period increases with 0,3 s and 0,5 s respectively.

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