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Peippo, M., Hilke-Aaramo, K., Vuojärvi-Torhamo, V.. Municipality of Uusikaupunki as a pilot for Coastal Management Strategy for Southwest Finland. In: Schernewski, G., Löser, N. (eds.). BaltCoast 2004 - Managing the Baltic Sea. Coastline Reports (2), pp. 97-101. 2004.


The target of the project of coastal management strategy for Southwest Finland is to create tools to intensify planning and guiding concerning the use of the coastal and water areas. These tools can be used for benefit of the state of environment and the means of livelihood. In the second phase of the project the pilot of municipality of Uusikaupunki is in a central role. The inventory data and results of the analysis will be applied to formulating the management strategy. The pilot of municipality of Uusikaupunki was started by the opening seminar and by meeting and formation of the workshops of local stakeholders in September 2003. In seminar was appointed four different workshops. The working process of the workshops was started by gathering information of demands of different stakeholders and by completing the inventory data with local special features. Needs and hopes will be collected and published by map presentation, which will present the areas with several different pressures of use or contradictions. The other target of the project is to visualize, in which way the coastal management is organized in practise at the moment and how the co-operation of different stakeholders is being intensified in the future.

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