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Die Datenbank enthält Veröffentlichungen, Reports, Dokumente, Strategien, Direktiven, Broschüren etc., die für die Küsten- (und Meeres-) Praxis bedeutsam sind. Alle Dokumente sind im PDF-Format verfügbar und werden auf unserem Server gespeichert, um eine ständige und nutzerfreundliche Verfügbarkeit zu gewährleisten.

Küsten-Dokumente suchen
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281 IOC 2005 IOC: A Handbook for measuring the progress and outcomes of Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management - Preliminary Version, ICAM Dossier 2 - IOC Manuals and Guides (46). UNESCO, Paris, 2005. PDF verfügbar, zum Öffnen klicken... Buch
282 IOC 2003 IOC: A Reference Guide on the Use of Indicators for Integrated Coastal Management, ICAM Dossier 1 - IOC Manuals and Guides (45). UNESCO, Paris, 2003. PDF verfügbar, zum Öffnen klicken... Buch
283 EU 2004 EU Working Group on Indicators and Data. Minutes, Expert group, ICZM Recommendation. 2004 - Rotterdam, 24 November 2004. PDF verfügbar, zum Öffnen klicken... Report
284 EU 2004 EU Working Group on Indicators and Data. Report of the Working Group on Indicators and Data to the EU ICZM Expert Group. European Topic Centre on Terrestrial Environment, 2004 - Rotterdam, 24 November 2004. PDF verfügbar, zum Öffnen klicken... Report
285 EU 2003 EU Working Group on Indicators and Data. Measuring Sustainable Development on the Coast. European Topic Centre on Terrestrial Environment, 2003 - A Report to the EU ICZM Expert Group by the Working Group on Indicators and Data led by the ETC-TE. PDF verfügbar, zum Öffnen klicken... Report
286 EU EU Working Group on Indicators and Data. Measuring Sustainable Development on the Coast. European Topic Centre on Terrestrial Environment - A Report to the EU ICZM Expert Group by the Working Group on Indicators and Data led by the ETC-TE. PDF verfügbar, zum Öffnen klicken... Report
287 EU EU Working Group on Indicators and Data. Measuring Progress in the Implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Management - Guidance notes for completing the Progress Indicator. . PDF verfügbar, zum Öffnen klicken... Report
288 UBC 2003 UBC. UBC Agenda 21 Action Programme 2004-2009 - Roadmap for Sustainable Baltic Cities. 2003 - As adopted by the VII UBC General Conference, Klaipeda, 17-18 October 2003. PDF verfügbar, zum Öffnen klicken... Report
289 DEDUCE DEDUCE. Evaluation Model for the Sustainable Development of European Coastal Zones - Summary. Interreg IIIC - South. PDF verfügbar, zum Öffnen klicken... Report
290 Olsen 2003 Olsen, S.: Frameworks and indicators for assessing progress. Ocean & Coastal Management, 46: 347–361, 2003. PDF verfügbar, zum Öffnen klicken... Artikel
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