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Coastal Documents

The database contains papers, reports, documents, strategies, directives, brochures etc. which are of importance for coastal (and marine) practice. All documents are available as pdf-files and are stored on our server, to ensure a permanent and user-friendly availability.

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61 Scholten 1998 Scholten, H.J., LoCashio, A., Overduin, T.: Towards a spatial information infrastructure for flood management in The Netherlands. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 4: 151-160, 1998. Pdf available, click to open... Article
62 Schauer 1998 Schauer, F., Kreisel, H., Heideck, B.. Hefen und Myzelpilze als Destruenten im marinen Ökosystem. In: Lampe, R.. Greifswalder Bodden und Oder-Ästuar - Austauschprozesse (GOAP). Greifswalder Geographische Arbeiten (16), pp. 341-369. Geographisches Institut der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität, Greifswald, 1998. Pdf available, click to open... Book
63 Ministry 1998 Ministry for the environment (ed.): Environmental Performance Indicators. Summary of Proposed Indicators for the Marine Environment. Wellington, New Zealand, 1998. Pdf available, click to open... Book
64 Good 1998 Good, J.W., Weber, J.W., Charland, J.W., Olson, J.V., Chapin K.A.. National coastal zone management effectiveness study: protecting estuaries and coastal wetlands. Corvallis, OR, 1998 - Final Report to the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resources Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Oregon Sea Grant Special Report PI-98-001. Pdf available, click to open... Report
65 Bernd-Cohen 1998 Bernd-Cohen, T., Gordon, M.. State coastal management effectiveness in protecting beaches, dunes, bluffs, rocky shores: a national overview. Helena, Montana, 1998 - Final report, Part of the Sea Grant National CZM Effectiveness Study for the Office of Ocean and Coastal Resource Management National Ocean Service, NOAA, DOC. Pdf available, click to open... Report
66 Pogue 1998 Pogue, P., V. Lee, V.. Effectiveness of State Coastal Management Programs in Providing Public Access to the Shore: A National Overview. Coastal Resources Center/Rhode Island Sea Grant. University of Rhode Island, Narragansett, 1998. Pdf available, click to open... Report
67 Van Zuidam 1998 Van Zuidam, R.A., Farifteh, J., Eleveld, M.A., Cheng Tao: Developments in remote sensing, dynamic modelling and GIS applications for integrated coastal zone management. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 4: 191-202, 1998. Pdf available, click to open... Article
68 Dahlke 1998 Dahlke, S., Wolf, C., Bange, H.W.. Mikrobieller N-, S- und C-Umsatz und die Emission von N2O und CH4 im Greifswalder Bodden und im westlichen Teil des Oderästuars. In: Lampe, R.. Greifswalder Bodden und Oder-Ästuar - Austauschprozesse (GOAP). Greifswalder Geographische Arbeiten (16), Geographisches Institut der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität, Greifswald, 1998. Pdf available, click to open... Book
69 Lampe 1998 Lampe, R.. Das Projekt GOAP - Veranlassung, Fragestellungen und Ziele. In: Lampe, R.. Greifswalder Bodden und Oder-Ästuar - Austauschprozesse (GOAP). Greifswalder Geographische Arbeiten (16), pp. 7-11. Geographisches Institut der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität, Greifswald, 1998. Pdf available, click to open... Book
70 Westphal 1998 Westphal, H., Lenk, B.. Die räumlich-zeitliche Verteilung von Primärproduktion und Bakterienkeimzahlen. In: Lampe, R.. Greifswalder Bodden und Oder-Ästuar - Austauschprozesse (GOAP). Greifswalder Geographische Arbeiten (16), pp. 228-249. Geographisches Institut der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität, Greifswald, 1998. Pdf available, click to open... Book
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