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Kule, L., Haller, I., Varjopuro, R., Alberth, J.. Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Tourism in the Baltic Sea Region. In: Krarup Leth, O., Dahl, K., Peltonen, H., Krämer, I., Kule, L. (eds.). Sectoral Impact Assessments for the Baltic Sea Region - Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity, Fisheries, Coastal Infrastructure and Tourism. Coastline Reports (21), pp. 91-132. EUCC - The Coastal Union Germany, Rostock, 2013.


Climate change impacts will have both positive and negative consequences for the tourism industry in the Baltic Sea region (BSR). Here we identify, based on existing knowledge and new knowledge obtained as part of the Baltadapt project, various aspects of climate change that may impact tourism industry in the BSR. Research findings on climate change impacts on tourist comfort and behaviour, tourism flows, destinations and activities are reviewed for the BSR. Coastal and cold-climate-dependent tourism are highly vulnerable to climate change-related risks. A future warmer climate can also bring new weather-related opportunities to the BSR. The regions’ tourism industry has longstanding traditions and innovative enterprises; although tourism adaptive capacities with relation to climate change vary in different parts of the BSR. Most vulnerable will be low income regions, less populated coastal areas and those that depend on wildlife tourism. A review is also given of possible adaptation measures relevant for coastal and cold-climate tourism destinations. Finally, research and knowledge gaps are identified and discussed with the aim to support research, cooperation between science and industry in relation to climate change adaptation and tourism in the BSR.

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