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Umlauf I., Meyerdirks J., Ahlhorn F.. Identifikation zukünftiger Konfliktpotenziale im niedersächsischen Küstenbereich im Projekt âSpeichern statt Pumpenâ. In: Karius V., Hadler H., Deicke M., von Eynatten H., Brückner H. & Vött A.. Dynamische Küsten - Grundlagen, Zusammenhänge und Auswirkungen im Spiegel angewandter Küstenforschung . Coastline Reports (17), pp. 191-202. EUCC-D - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2011.


Coastal protection as well as water management are two sides of the medal in the coastal region of Lower Saxony: dikes protect land against flooding, while inland waters have to be drained off the low areas through the dikes. Water management fulfils this need by operating sluices and dikes. Based on the results of the European project: Climate Proof Areas in the coastal regions of Lower Saxony higher precipitation and discharge in winter as well as lower precipitation and discharge in summer can be expected. Water management would have to face higher amounts of water to be pumped and also additional water to be let in the area during the summer time. The project “Speichern statt pumpen” (Storage instead of pumping) was carried out to show regional variations of water balance caused by climatic changes, especially ocussing on outcomes for the water management, in the coastal regions of Lower Saxony. Major concern was, whether an alternative, both economically and ecologically sustainable strategy for regional water management was possible. The idea was to store water in winter and to use it during the following summer period. Several storage possibilities were taken into account: storage in polders, regeneration of bogs, water storage in existing water bodies and others. The project "Speichern statt pumpen” was divided into two parts: spatial reconnaissance and a participation process. Within the spatial reconnaissance a sound database for relevant types of land use: water  anagement, agriculture, nature protection and tourism was created. Data were processed via GIS: Measurable spatial indicators were aggregated to criteria. These criteria were used to visualize the demands of these types of land use in maps. Areas of potential conflicts were determined. Concerning water management both storage capacities and requirements of water management were considered. During the participation process possible future developments of water management were discussed with different stakeholders. For the first time, such a broad data base for the coastal regions of Lower Saxony has been set up. Hence, future projects based on “Speichern statt pumpen” should be conducted concerning tangible measures of future sustainable water management.

PDF: Identifikation zukuenftiger Konfliktpotenziale im niedersaechsischen Kuestenbereich im Projekt Speichern statt Pumpen.pdf (6.461.102 Bytes)
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