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Suzdalev, S., Gulbinskas, S., Blažauskas, N.. Coastal protection example programme for Lithuania . In: Sterr, H., Maack, S., Schultz, M. (eds.). Development Concept for the Territory of the Baltic Green Belt - A Synthesis Report of the INTERREG IVB Project Baltic Green Belt. Coastline Reports (20), pp. 86-96. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2012.

Zusammenfassung: Lithuania has one of the shortest coastlines among all European countries, the length of the shallow sand Baltic coast shaped by wave induced processes being only 90.6 km (Gudelis 1967, Boldyrev et al. 1976). Intensifying use of coastal resources mostly because of the port development and increase in recreational activities, is one of the most important factors causing coastal erosion and resulting in application of coastal protection measures. Although coastal protection has a long history on the Lithuanian coast first coastal protection measures were not aimed to stop erosion but rather to mitigate the impacts of eolian processes (Žaromskis 2007). Current coastal management practices in Lithuania are implemented in accordance with existing international legislative documents: HELCOM recommendation 16/3 „On preservation of natural coastal dynamics“ (1995), European Parliament and Council recommendation „Concerning implementation of integrated coastal zone management principles“ (2002). According to the Lithuanian Law on the coastal strip (IX-1016, 2002-07-02), approved by Lithuanian Parliament in 2002 coastal protection measures are envisaged in Coastal Strip Management Programs which specify the application of coastal protection measures according to the functional priorities and natural coastal dynamics. Coastal segments are distinguished by their functional destinations, rates of coastal erosion, recreational load, etc. in order to identify the most problematic sectors. Afterwards, final coastal protection and management measures are agreed (Gulbinskas et al. 2009).
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