Sterr, H., Ulrichs, S.. Coastal protection and Management in Kaliningrad (Russia) . In: Sterr, H., Maack, S., Schultz, M. (eds.). Development Concept for the Territory of the Baltic Green Belt - A Synthesis Report of the INTERREG IVB Project Baltic Green Belt. Coastline Reports (20), pp. 97-101. EUCC - Die Küsten Union Deutschland e.V., Rostock, 2012.
The coast of Kaliningrad Oblast shows three distinct segments: two sandy spits, one in the south and one in the northof the Kaliningrad territory, and in between a promontory cliff section. Coastal morphodynamics are dominated by massive retreat along the northern side of the promontory and by longshore sediment transport in a southwestern to northeastern direction. In recent times, almost Kaliningrad’s entire coastline suffers from erosion. This is partly due to a relative to sea level rise trend and partly due to man’s interference with the dynamics of coastal processes. This interference, which is taking place both in Kaliningrad Oblast and in the neighboring regions of eastern Poland and western Lithuania, is mainly a result of rapid development of coastal tourism. Building up along the waterfront in the region changes the downstream sediment regime and enhances erosional trends even further. The Baltic Green Belt project activities revealed the need and demand for cross-border cooperation in order to cope with the regional challenges. |
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