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Open Sea Lab

Date: 15 - 17 November 2017
Website: http://www.opensealab.eu/
Place: De Serre, Antwerp, BELGIUM
The first EMODnet Open Sea Lab will take place in Antwerp, Belgium from 15-17 November 2017. The three day event will help co-create innovative solutions to unique problems using EMODnet's wealth of marine data and ocean observations. EMODnet is working to provide potential condidates with access to open data on many aspects of the physical and chemical state of our European seas and oceans, their depth, the geological structure of their seabeds, the habitats that they support, the biodiversity that inhabits them and the human activities that take place there.
The main purpose of making all this openly available is with the hope that it is used in innovative ways to both solve problems, or create new applications. The Open Sea Lab will match-make and bring together teams and will involve ideation, co-creation, prototype development and validation by mentors.  
Contact: EMODnet Secretariat
E-Mail: info@emodnet.eu
Telephone: +32 (0) 59 341428
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