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International Conference on Maritime Energy Management

Datum: 24. - 25. Januar 2017
Webseite: http://conferences.wmu.se/marener2017
Ort: Malmö, SWEDEN

Shipping is a cost effective and energy efficient method of transporting goods around the globe. It is indispensable to the world economy and supports worldwide prosperity through international trade. The exponential development in seaborne trade since the 1970s has modified the magnitude of the industry’s footprint on the maritime environment and the international community is calling for regulation of pollution emanating from ships.

From ships to ports, the maritime industry must respond to increasingly stringent environmental rules and regulations. In addition, the present shipping sector overcapacity, combined with volatile fuel costs, is motivating industry leaders to consider all cost-saving possibilities to survive.

Energy management is a key strategy for energy efficient and environmentally friendly shipping that enhances profitability within a tightening regulatory framework. It is significant for the achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goal 8. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all and Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.

Energy management is also central to the EU Energy Strategy and it is inherent in the IMO World Maritime Day theme for 2017 – “Connecting Ships, Ports and People” - which stands for an interagency approach that addresses the whole range of maritime issues, including those of maritime energy management.  Moreover, energy management is also a key element addressed by the Fossil Free Sweden initiative of the Swedish government.

The above frameworks and high-level initiatives demonstrate that significant interest has developed in renewable energy and alternative fuels, creating an upward momentum across the industry with a wide range of technical, operational and commercial measures that have already been implemented or are under development.

MARENER 2017 will provide a forum for all stakeholders to examine opportunities and challenges in the field of maritime energy with the aim of achieving an energy efficient and low carbon future for the maritime industry.


The shipping industry and ships will be a focus of discussion as well as onshore facilities (ports and shipyards). Theory, practice and applications of all forms of Maritime Energy Management are of interest. Topics may be considered within eight themes:

Theme 1: Regulatory Framework
Theme 2: Energy Efficient Ship Design and Operation
Theme 3: Energy Management in Ports and Shipyards
Theme 4: Economics of Energy Efficiency
Theme 5: Social and Human Dimensions of Energy Management
Theme 6: Theoretical Aspects of Maritime Energy Management
Theme 7: Alternative Fuels and Marine Renewable Energy
Theme 8: Offshore and Ocean Energy

The Conference is directed mainly, but not exclusively, at the following target audience:

· maritime industry professionals (naval architects, captains, marine engineers, designers, ship operators, superintendents and even port managers)

· maritime administrators, standard setting bodies and regulators

· energy industry professionals (offshore specialists, CEOs, CMOs, Vice-Presidents, Directors, GMs, maritime economists)

· academics and educators (faculty, researchers, PhD students, MBA/ M.Sc. Students)

· sustainable development and environmental specialists (International Organizations, NGOs included)

· government representatives

Abstract Submission: 30. September 2016
Kontakt: Ms. Mia Hedin, Conference Coordinator
E-Mail: conferences@wmu.se
Telefon: +46 40 356 300
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