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Land Use and Water Quality 2017

Date: 29 May - 01 June 2017
Website: http://www.luwq2017.nl/
Place: The Hague, NETHERLANDS
Description: LuWQ2017 is an international and interdisciplinary conference on the cutting edge of science, management and policy to minimise effects of agriculture and land use changes on the quality of groundwater and surface waters.

Objectives of the conference are:

 -to provide forum for exchange of scientific knowledge, research on system knowledge, modelling and uncertainty; 
  -to discuss the entire policy cycle for water quality improvement; -
to intensify contacts (a) between soil/water related scientists, agro related scientists, social scientists, ecological scientists and economists, and (b) between scientists, water managers and policy makers.
Early Registration: 15 February 2017
Contact: E-Mail: helpdesk@klinkhamergroup.com
Telephone: +31 (0)43-36 27 008
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