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Summer School: Marine Ecology and the Earth System

Date: 13 - 15 July 2016
Website: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-PxEsCIeg7QRUpnSFMwYjJiQ28/view?pref=2&pli=1
Place: Bristol, UNITED KINGDOM
Description: Marine ecosystems and their environment are strongly interdependent. Biological productionnd the subsequent transformation and transport of organic matter regulate the physical and chemical environment, which in turn feeds back on biological communities and their productivity. Past and future changes in the Earth system therefore need to be understood in terms of these two coupled systems. This summer school will address key aspects of marine ecosystems and their role in the Earth system. In particular, we will focus on the links between the structure and biogeochemical function of marine microbial communities in the framework of a coupled Earth system and marine ecosystem model. Questions we will investigate include:

• What are the key links between plankton community structure, biogeochemical function and climate?
• How can the holistic system response be constrained by contemporary physiological and biogeochemical data?
• What techniques are available in terms of modelling the key dynamics of marine ecosystems?

The course will be taught by experts in ecology, biological oceanography, and Earth system science, from cellular to global scales. A central objective will be to introduce the current state-of-the-art, and to identify exciting new directions for ongoing  research.
Registration: 10 June 2016
Contact: E-Mail: uob.summer.school@gmail.com
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