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Marine Plastics Need European Action

Date: 08 November 2017
Website: http://w.iucnworldconservationcongress.org/id/node/29254
Place: Brussels, BELGIUM

Plastic waste is increasingly impacting the marine environment and becoming one of the most challenging issues for global and European marine and coastal species and ecosystems. The IUCN Regional European Office and Ricardo Serrão Santos, Member of the European Parliament, are hosting an event on 8 November 2017 at the European Parliament to address this pressing challenge.

The event aims to support an ambitious European Strategy on Plastics that takes action to fulfill the objective of significantly reducing marine litter. An IUCN report on existing national and sub-national policies tackling this issue in EU Member States, including recommendations in reducing marine litter in Europe, will be launched during the event.

Relevant decision makers and conservationist, including Commissioner Karmenu Vella and Pierre-Yves Cousteau, will participate and contribute to the discussion.

Registration: 02 October 2017
Contact: Alberto Arroyo Schnell
E-Mail: alberto.arroyo@iucn.org
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