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50th International Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics

Date: 28 May - 01 June 2018
Website: http://labos.ulg.ac.be/gher/home/colloquium/colloquium-2018/
Place: Liege, BELGIUM
Description: In 2018 we arrive to the 50th edition of the International Liege Colloquium of Ocean Dynamics, a perfect reason to celebrate and review the advances made in studying the oceans during the last several decades. In particular, this edition will be dedicated to long-term studies in oceanography. Our knowledge about the ocean has changed dramatically over these past 50 years, as is the availability and quality of data and tools to study the ocean. The ocean plays a crucial role in the regulation of the Earth’s climate. As climate change poses an unprecedented threat to the Earth environment, studies that focus on the long-term variation of the ocean and its response to climate change have therefore become essential to understand and monitor the Earth climate.

  • Ocean dynamics & climate change
    Studies addressing the impact of climate change on ocean dynamics, and the influence of the ocean on climate.
  • Oceanic climate records (datasets, methods and comparisons)
    Generic studies about model-based and observation-based datasets (reanalyses, reconstructions), their validation and intercomparisons, and studies about specific methods for multidecadal reanalyses and reconstructions (assimilation, bias corrections and drift corrections). Reprocessing and intercallibration of multi-mission datasets.
  • Coastal and regional processes
    Studies focusing on long-term variability and local trends of specific regions, including downscaling of large scale climatic processes.
  • Trends in polar regions
    Abstracts on the trends of ocean and sea ice dynamics of polar regions, influence of climate on their variability and the impact of these regions on the global climate system.
  • Biogeochemical processes
    Studies about oceanic long-term ecosystem changes induced by climate variability.
  • Long-term trends in oceanography (open session)
    An open session for all studies on the multidecadal study of the ocean. Abstracts that do not fit in other session can be submitted here.

Venue: University of Liège, Place du XX Août 7, 4000 Liège

Abstract Submission: 19 January 2018
Early Registration: 30 March 2018
Contact: Organizing Committee: Aida Alvera Azcarate, Jean-Marie Beckers, Hugues Goosse
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