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Coastal Summer School 2018

Date: 18 - 29 September 2018
Website: https://deutsche-kuestenforschung.de/coastal-summer-school-2018.html
Place: Hiddensee Island, GERMANY

The coastal summer school 2018 will give an interdisciplinary overview from topics related to the geological development of the Baltic Sea and its natural coastal dynamics to coastal protection measures as well as biogeochemical processes and ecological characteristics of coastal habitats. Experienced geologists, engineers, biologists, physical oceanographers and authorities representatives will share their knowledge and teach students by providing state-of-the-art information and hands-on training during two intense weeks at Hiddensee island and on a daily cruise in the Baltic Sea on the research vessel Elisabeth Mann Borgese.

The coastal summer school addresses advanced Master students, PhD students and young postdocs with a background in marine sciences such as geology, oceanography, biology, coastal engineering or coastal zone management. The language of the school is English.

Deadline for applications is May 13, 2018.

Contact: Dr. Claudia Wiedner
E-Mail: claudia.wiedner@io-warnemuende.de
Telephone: +49 381-51 97 133
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