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3rd CoastDoc-Workshop “Coast and Sea - current research and future challenges”

Date: 22 - 23 October 2012
Place: Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Hamburg, GERMANY

On October 22nd-23rd 2012 the 3rd CoastDoc-Workshop will take place at Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (Institute of Coastal Research) near Hamburg. This workshop with the theme “Coast and Sea - current research and future challenges” will be organized by our PhD students. During the workshop young scientists from different disciplines (e.g. analytics, modeling and social sciences) will have the chance to broaden their knowledge, have an interdisciplinary dialogue and share their experiences concerning their work. We would like to invite PhD students from all fields related to coastal research to participate in this meeting.

We expect about 40 participants and are looking forward to a lively exchange. PhD students who want to present their research will have the opportunity to choose between oral (15 minutes) and poster presentation. Please send us your abstract until September 14th 2012 including the following information:


• Name, field of research, institution or university

• Preliminary title of your contribution, including a short abstract (max. 150 words)

The final program will be sent to all participants at the end of September 2012 after the selection of the presentations. The workshop will be free of charge. Participants without giving a presentation are also welcome if the expected amount of contributions is not reached.


Preliminary program

Monday, 22.10.2012

12:00 bus transfer from Hamburg-Bergedorf to Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG)

12:30 welcome & lunch break

13:30 presentation sessions 1 & 2

17:00 poster session

Afterwards dinner and evening program in Hamburg-Bergedorf


Tuesday, 23.10.2012

9:30 presentation sessions 3 & 4

13:00 lunch break and guided campus tour

14:30 presentation session 5 & final workshop discussion

16:30 departure

Bus transfer from Hamburg-Bergedorf to HZG and back will be organized.



Organizing Team

Dana Pupke (dana.pupke@hzg.de)

Britta Rathjen (britta.rathjen@hzg.de)

Daniela Siedschlag (daniela.siedschlag@hzg.de)

Barbara Weig (barbara.weig@hzg.de)




Contact: Telephone: 04152-871853
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