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Third international workshop: Bridging the gap between ocean Acidification and Economic Valuation

Date: 12 - 14 January 2015

It is a fundamental tenet of the organisers of this workshop that scientific information should be made available to enable decisions to improve the deteriorated condition of the ocean environment. Until the source of accelerating ocean acidification - excess anthropogenic CO2 emissions - can be halted, societal impacts will require adaptation and forward planning in the use and protection of living ocean resources. This workshop series was designed to convene international expertise and representatives from various organizations to consolidate the current state of knowledge and make recommendations in response to advancing ocean acidification.

The outcomes of the first and second international workshops can be found at http://www.iaea.org/oceanacidification/page.php?page=2188.

The 3rd International Workshop on the socio-economics of ocean acidification aims to build on the outcomes of the previous meetings by providing policymakers and marine resource managers with information and recommendations to prepare for social and economic impacts of ocean acidification on coastal communities. The workshop will focus on five areas of societal impact:

1. Coastal communities dependent on fisheries and aquaculture

2. Marine-based tourism and coral reefs

3. Modelling of biological, economic and sociological impacts

4. Potential societal action and adaptation

5. Governance, governments and legislation

The purpose of this workshop is to identify and discuss the pathways of impact that ocean acidification may have on social and economic aspects of coastal communities and recommend options for human adaptation that will address the consequences of excess CO2 in the oceans. Multidisciplinary working groups will discuss impacts to fisheries, tourism, trade, marine business, and traditional culture, along with potential adaptation and capacity-building policy responses and options available to these sectors and governments, and will consider ways to model the cascade of potential impacts of ocean acidification on human activities. The recommendations will provide policymakers, managers, and communities with combined natural and social sciences information to generate approaches to support sustainable development, while also seeking to reduce both the source and the impacts of ocean acidification. The discussions should focus on pathways of impact and possible adaptations through social transformation in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Attendees of the workshop will participate in plenary and thematic working groups. All participants will be asked to prepare and submit a description (no more than two pages) of discussion points prior to the meeting concerning the theme of their chosen working group in relation to ocean acidification.

Venue: Oceanographic Museum of Monaco

Registration: 26 September 2014
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