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European Maritime Day Conference

Datum: 18. - 19. Mai 2016
Webseite: http://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/maritimeday/en/turku-2016
Ort: Turku, FINLAND

European Maritime Day is the annual meeting point for Europe’s maritime community to network, discuss, and forge joint action. Its ninth edition will take place in Turku, Finland with a stimulating conference on 18-19 May 2016 and an attractive lineup of activities for the general public on 20-22 May 2016.

"Investing in Smart and Sustainable Solutions for Blue Growth"

The conference will provide a strong input to shape future policies and the practical steps needed to drive transformational change in the blue economy and the wider integrated maritime policy agenda. It will focus on smart and sustainable solutions for blue growth, ocean governance, clean energy and skills development and it will look at tools such as strategic cluster partnerships and common roadmaps to facilitate joint action.

The conference aims to be interactive and deliver concrete policy recommendations and action points. Interested stakeholders can get involved by organising their own thematic workshops, participate in the exhibition stand and/or in matchmaking meetings as well as by organising their own EMD event at national, regional and local level, in any of the EU Member States during the month of May 2015.


Kontakt: http://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/maritimeday/en/contact
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