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ScanBalt Forum 2016

Datum: 19. - 20. Oktober 2016
Webseite: http://turkusciencepark.com/fi/tapahtumat/303/scanbalt-forum-2016/
Ort: Turku , FINLAND

ScanBalt BioRegion is a macro-region within health and life sciences and home to a vast number of triple helix based regional networks. ScanBalt promotes the development of ScanBalt BioRegion as a globally competitive Health and Bio economy.
ScanBalt arranges annually one bigger event, ScanBalt Forum, with specific topics.

This year the topics are

  • Turku Biomaterials Days -session brings up interested issues on implants, registries on implant follow-up and nanoparticles.
  • Infections/AMR – diagnostics and epidemiology -session introduce the monitoring issues of AMR, the action of NoDARS and novel approaches in infection diagnostics.
  • At the second day session, Cost efficiency and outcome value, we hear about efficient patient information systems and interesting business cases in the life science field.
Registrierung: 12. Oktober 2016
Kontakt: E-Mail: marja-riitta.viljainen@turkusciencepark.com
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