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Date: 06 - 08 June 2017
Place: Aquarium of San Sebastian, SPAIN

AZTI is the hosting organization. The summer school is organized under the EEAcademy umbrella (an initiative of the European Environment Agency), and is also supported by the Basque Water Agency and the European project MARS (Managing Aquatic ecosystems and water Resources under multiple Stress).

The topic this year is : "The Water Framework Directive implementation: is it possible to achieve good ecological status in European waters, from the lessons learnt?"

As you know, after the Water Framework Directive (WFD, 2000/60/EC), the European Member States should have achieved good ecological status in all surface waters (lakes, rivers, transitional waters and coasts) by 2015. However, a high percentage of the European water bodies still remain in an ecological status lower than good.

Since year 2000 European countries have worked in developing assessment tools, intercalibrating these methods, implementing programmes of measures to reduce pressures and achieve good ecological status. However, to some extent, these efforts have not been recompensed with a generalized increase in the quality. Taking into account that in coming years this directive is going to be updated and amended, we think that it is time to reflect on the issues that are going well and those that need to be reformulated and improved.

Hence, the topic for this summer school relates to the lessons learnt from the implementation of the WFD, in freshwaters and marine waters, and determine which actions should be taken to improve methods, measures and approaches in order to achieve finally a good ecological status in all European waters.

The attendees (PhD and post doc students, managers, researchers, practitioners and NGOs) will acquire new knowledge on recent trends in aquatic research, in relation to the management and governance of water bodies. This summer school will focus on the integration of different sciences (i.e. social, economic and ecological) as a means to enhance the potential of our aquatic systems through adequate management and governance. This course will explore this at different research and management scales (e.g. scientific, local and national governments and European scale). Hence, the main objective of the school is to give an overview on the lessons learnt from the WFD implementation and extract conclusions to adapt it in the near future and achieve good ecological status.

The course is organized around talks, posters displayed by the attendees on the topic of the course (and discussed in an afternoon session) and an interactive session to discuss all topics with the attendees.

Contact: Dr Ángel Borja
E-Mail: aborja@azti.es
Telephone: +34 667 174 430
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