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First public information event for the FFH management plan for the large Ribnitz marshland and dunes of Neuhaus-Dierhagen

Date: 08 March 2017
Website: http://www.stalu-mv.de/Bekanntmachungen/?id=124409&processor=processor.sa.pre...
Place: 18181 Graal-Müritz, Gemeinde Ostseeheilbad Graal-Müritz, Ribnitzer Straße 21, im Saal im 2. OG, GERMANY
Description: On behalf of the National Office for Agriculture and Environment Vorpommern, currently the management plan for the FFH area DE 1739-303 „Ribnitzer Großes Moor und Neuhaus-Dierhäger Dünen“, gets worked out. In 2014 and 2016, recordings of the decisive and significant protected resources were made.

After this recordings, now a first information event is planned, where goals and the legal and administrative framework of the FFH management planning will be shown and explanations about the planning process will be given.

The FFH area and the results of recent recordings concerning protected resources of FFH habitat types and species of the annex II of the FFH guideline will be presented and also advices for the participatory process will be given.

The National Office for Agriculture and Environment Vorpommern invites all interested residents, affected land users and owners to participate at the upcoming event.

The event takes place on wednesday, 8 March 2017 at 5 p.m in the hall on the 2nd floor, municipality Baltic coastal resort Graal-Müritz, Ribnitzer Straße 21, 18181 Graal-Müritz.

Contact: Jean Weiß, Amtsleiter; Erich-Schlesinger-Straße 35, 18059 Rostock
E-Mail: poststelle@stalumm.mv-regierung.de
Telephone: 0381-33167 0
Fax: 0381-33167 799
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