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Presentation of the Atlas of the Seas - current data and facts about the condition of the seas

Datum: 30. Mai 2017
Webseite: http://calendar.boell.de/de/event/praesentation-des-meeresatlas-daten-und-fak...
Ort: Universität Rostock, Ulmenstr. 69, Rostock, GERMANY

The oceans are covering two thirds of our blue planet, they are substantial for everything alive here. The seas are controlling the climate, delivering food and energy. Furthermore, it is an important traffic route, recreation area and source of aesthetic enjoyment.
But the seas are overfished, polluted and lost a lot of their biodiversity.
So, the handling of the oceans should be transformed into a sustainable and fair basis.
The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung and the cluster of excellence Future Oceans (Ozean der Zukunft) of the Kiel University are creating public awareness with the in May published Atlas of the Seas recent topics of protection of the seas and marine use.
The event takes place as part of the Sustainability Week at the University of Rostock and starts at 7 p.m. .

Kontakt: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung MV, in der FRIEDA 23, Friedrichstraße 23, 18057 Rostock, 1. Stock, Raum 1.12
E-Mail: post@boell-mv.de
Telefon: 0381/ 4922184
Fax: 0381/ 4922156
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