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KüNO Jahrestagung 2017

Date: 11 - 12 October 2017
Website: https://deutsche-kuestenforschung.de/kueno-jahrestagung-2017.html
Place: Universität Rostock, Arno-Esch-Hörsaalgebäude, Ulmenstr. 69, 18057 Rostock, Haus 8, GERMANY

At this event, eleven collaborative projects will present their outcomings and discuss with colleagues from science and practice. Five collaborations are part of the eco system research coastal sea and six of the coastal engineering sciences.

We look forward to wide-ranging themes. Also, communication between colleagues from science and practice will be improved in workshops.

We invite you to take part at the discussions and to develop a  mutual research strategy to protect the coastal seas.

The number of participants is limited, please register until the 15th of September 2017.

Registration: 15 September 2017
Contact: Dr. Claudia Wiedner
E-Mail: claudia.wiedner@io-warnemuende.de
Telephone: +49 381-51 97 133
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