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AZTI & EEAcademy Summer School 2018

Date: 05 - 07 June 2018
Website: http://www.azti.es/azti-eeacademy-summer-school-blue-growth-can-marine-enviro...
Place: San Sebastian, SPAIN

AZTI organizes annually an international ‘Summer School’ on marine research related cutting-edge topics, always trying to bridge the gap between research and policy. The course is taught by about 5-12 professors and attended by around 60-90 students from 15-20 countries.

For 2018, coinciding with the 15th anniversary of the courses, the topic proposed is the Blue Growth and how to reconcile this growth with the maintaining of the environmental status, under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).

The attendees will acquire new knowledge on recent trends in marine research, in relation to the management and governance of our oceans and the blue growth initiatives.
The main objective of the school is to give an overview on the problems associated to blue growth, and its relationship with ocean and coastal livelihoods, management and governance.

As an outcome of this course, the professors participating in the course will prepare an open access position paper on this topic, to be submitted to a broad scope scientific journal (e.g. PlosOne, Frontiers in Marine Science, etc.). This will be a cross-cutting review.

Abstract Submission: 20 May 2018
Registration: 28 May 2018
Early Registration: 30 April 2018
E-Mail: meritxel.gonzalez@azti.es
Telephone: +34 946 57 40 00
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