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North Coast Spiekeroog, Niedersachsen, North Sea
This &quot;heart&quot; of the lugworm or sandworm (Arenicola marina) is a typical sandcast that has been transported to the surface by the burrowing worm.<br />Annelida, Polychaeta
Coastline - Beach, Sea/Ocean, Fishery/Aquaculture, Island, Fauna - Invertebrates, Biota - Marine
© Constantin Deiter
Place: North Coast Spiekeroog, Niedersachsen, North Sea (GERMANY)
Date taken: 17 August 2009
Description: This "heart" of the lugworm or sandworm (Arenicola marina) is a typical sandcast that has been transported to the surface by the burrowing worm.
Annelida, Polychaeta
Keywords: Coastline - Beach, Sea/Ocean, Fishery/Aquaculture, Island, Fauna - Invertebrates, Biota - Marine
Spatial Information: Show map
Latitude (WGS84): 53° 46' 55.62"
Longitude (WGS84): 7° 44' 16.38"
Line of Sight: n/a
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Copyright: © Constantin Deiter
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Contact: cd@kahuna-sport.de
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