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ODER98: Hydrodynamics and transports in tideless coastal waters

Typ des Eintrags: Projekt
Dauer: 04/1998 - 07/1998

The main aim of the ODER98 project was to establish the hydrodynamic and transports in tideless coastal waters.

To understand the discharge pathes of the river Odra and to verify numerical models, hydrographic and meteorological measurements are carried out in the Odra lagoon. 3 fixed stations (2 piles and a pontoon in the Kleines Haff) measure the following parameters: current (2 components), sea level and wave height, pressure at sensor level, water temperature, turbidity, conductivity, fluorescence, wind speed, wind direction, air temperature, atmospheric pressure.

A wave-rider buoy in the Kleines Haff delivers statistic wave data. 2 sea bottom bound ADCPs are continuously measuring currents at the eastern part of the Kleines Haff. The research vessel "Ludwig Prandtl" undertakes 2 measuring cruises in weeks 13/14 and 27/28 (1998). It is equipped with an ADCP for current/water transport measurements and a CTD profiler for current, turbidity, fluorescence and oxygen measurements

Stichworte: Hydrodynamics, Simulation, Transport
Kontakt: Bruno Mr Witte
GKSS-G / English
Telefon: +49415287
Webseite: www.gkss.de
Partner: Riethmüller (www.gkss.de)
Rosenthal (www.gkss.de)
Finanziert von: GKSS (www.gkss.de)
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