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Oceans without plastics - strategies for the future of the seas

Date: 14 March 2017
Website: https://www.nabu.de/wir-ueber-uns/veranstaltungen/21882.html
Place: NABU-Bundesgeschäftsstelle, Charitéstraße 3, 10117 Berlin, GERMANY
Description: Marine litter will also accompany us in 2017 as one of the most urgent issues in the field of marine protection. One of the measures against the increasing flood of garbage is the NABU Initiative Fishing for Litter. Fishermen and -women on the north and east seas are collecting waste from the sea, which are now disposed in an environmentally suitable way in ports and undergo a material sorting and are evaluated for their recycling.

The NABU, the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences and the Dual System Deutschland - Der Grüne Punkt invite you to join us.

When: 14 March 2017 from 1:00 pm to 4:45 pm (admission: 12:30 pm)

Where: NABU-Bundesgeschaeftstelle, Charitéstraße 3, 10117 Berlin

Here you will find the program. Please register until March 7, 2017 at www.NABU.de/fachgespraech-meeresmuell.

Please contact our Head of Marine Protection, Dr. Kim Detloff at 030 284984-1626 or Kim.Detloff@NABU.de for further information on the subject.
Registration: 07 March 2017
Contact: Dr. Kim Detloff
E-Mail: Kim.Detloff@NABU.de
Telephone: 030 284984 1626
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