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Aktuelle Themen zu Tiergerechtheit und Tierschutz in der Aquakultur

Datum: 07. Juni 2017
Webseite: https://www.thuenen.de/de/fi/aktuelles-und-service/news/detail/News/vortragsv...
Ort: Thünen-Institut für Fischereiökologie, Palmaille 9, 22767 Hamburg, GERMANY

In aquaculture, the organisms are kept in all phases of raising. This is a central element of aquaculture and a substantial difference between fishing and aquaculture. So, the fact that the organisms are in human custody in all phases of their development, leads to questions about animal welfare and protection of animals.
Recently, very many projects and research projects are dealing with these topics. The Thünen Institute For Fisheries Ecology invites to this lecture "Current issues about animal welfare and protection of animals in aquaculture", where some of those projects will be presented.
The event consults fish owner, representatives of local government, consultatives and science.

Please register at aqua-sym@thuenen.de until 7th of May 2017.

Registrierung: 07. Mai 2017
Kontakt: E-Mail: aqua-sym@thuenen.de
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