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10th International KFT-Symposium 2017

Date: 02 - 03 November 2017
Website: http://www.forschungstauchen-deutschland.de/
Place: Bremerhaven, GERMANY

"Scientific Diving in Germany, Europe and Beyond"

The Scientific Diving Symposium 2017 will take place from 02.11.17 to 03.11.17 in Bremerhaven and is collaboratively organised by the Alfred-Wegener-Institute Helmholtz Centre of Polar and Marine Research (AWI/Bremerhaven), the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT/Bremen) and the Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum (DSM/Bremerhaven). As in previous years the Symposium shall be a platform for scientific divers/researchers without diving skills to present their recent work, get together to network and establish new professional contacts.

The 2-day event, as a fusion of symposium and workshop will be introduced by an Evening-Icebreaker (1st Nov. 2017 at Deutsches Schiffahrtsmuseum). The Symposium will emphasise on the following 4 key-issues:

1st Session - International reciprocity in scientific diving

2nd Session – Innovative methods in aquatic research related to Scientific Diving

3rd Session – Capacity Development – Forward-thinking implementation of German/European standards abroad

4th Session – Recent underwater research - Presentation of results by young scientists

Poster Presentation 

Early Registration: 31 August 2017
Contact: Prof. Dr. Philipp Fischer, Vorsitzender der Kommission Forschungstauchen Deutschland, Alfred-Wegener-Institut / Biologische Anstalt Helgoland
E-Mail: philipp.fischer@awi.de
Telephone: +49(4725)819-3344
Fax: +49(4725)819-3369
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